Training and Capacity Building on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
A friCLeN undertakes capacity building that addresses specific target groups involved in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and practitioners working in a specific region, focusing on a particular climate threat and/or sector, or dealing with a multi-sector and multi-threats perceptive.
Capacity building provided is not only important at one point of time, but is integral over time along the whole Adaptation cycle. Different types of activities that support capacity building like targeted events, debates, sharing information through web platforms and portals, newsletters, reports, policy briefs, videos, brochures, projects, etc. are undertaken.
Partnerships and sharing of experiences and knowledge are just some of the important contributors undertaken to further increase capacity building and learning over time.
Modes of capacity building undertaken by The Network
Education (e.g. through schools, universities, other education service providers).
Training (e.g. courses, seminars, webinars, e-learning).
Networking (e.g. conferences, workshops, sharing platforms, communities of practice, networks of excellence)
Specific coaching
Technical assistance (e.g. expert missions, twinning)
AfriCLeN is helping build resilience towards climate change by spreading adaptation knowledge. The Network is linking these various individuals and organizations in Africa, many of which bear a focus towards the continent’s most vulnerable to the impacts of global warming. We share cutting-edge solutions with those who need it.
The AfriCLeN web portal provides a rich database of scientific, indigenous and local knowledge; and a wide database of policymakers and practitioners working on different aspects of climate change mitigation and adaptation all over the continent. It offers various avenues to promote active communication and interaction amongst registered climate change mitigation and adaptation users
Dedicated Working Groups' are groups created for users registered as participants that allow them to come together and make decisions about the issues. Participants can take an active part in the drafting position documents and take advantage of the group features to engage in general discussions among each other.